

Location: 🇱🇧 Lebanon

Know More About USPEaK

USPEaK is a women led organization registered in the Ministry of Interior in 2015. USPEaK emerged to address the needs of the communities it addresses and seeks impact in the services it offers. USPEaK was launched in Baalbeck city and has been working on a national level since 2017. The organization holds international beliefs and safeguarding policies. It empowers citizens through socio-economic and educational programs with approaches that raise awareness on human rights and democracy. USPEaK holds progressive international beliefs that are reflected in the outcome of its programs. A large number of our beneficiaries found new jobs, got promoted, got back to school or became entrepreneurs. Others became activists in human rights and gender equality. USPEaK aims to ensure that all citizens have human security basics and thrives to expand its programs to identify all risks that challenge people in their security.

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